Our Dormant Season

Each year perennials “die” for a short while. They grow and bloom over the spring and summer and die when their season has come to an end. However, if they are healthy, they stay connected to the firmly established, healthy root in order to once again blossom and bloom in the spring and summer. After receiving its nourishment from the root during the dormant season, it blooms again and again each season. Inside that tiny plant which appears to be dead, God is doing an amazing work of transformation so that at just the right time it springs forth again more beautiful than it was the season before.

Just as God is at work in the perennial’s dormant season so He works in us during times when we feel we are at a standstill in our spiritual growth. During this time, we may feel stagnant but it’s possible this is the time when God provides us with an opportunity to “die” to our own desires and allow Him to do His work in us. The fact is, we cannot follow Jesus unless we die to ourselves. Every day, every minute, we have a chance to “die” and receive nourishment from the Root. When we stay connected to God’s Word, we receive the nourishment we need as we hear His still small voice speaking to our hearts and showing us how we can make the decisions that will cause us to say no to our will and yes to God’s will for our lives.

Once our Creator tells us it’s time to bloom again, we emerge more beautiful than the season before because He has done His work during our dormant season.

How have you emerged more beautiful during the different seasons of your life?